I have symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive on a PCR or rapid antigen test.
- Isolate until symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea) and you do not have a fever.
- If you have a positive test result and no symptoms, you do not need to self-isolate unless symptoms develop, but you should follow the precautions below. If you develop symptoms, self-isolate immediately.
- For a total of 10 days after the start of symptoms (or date of positive test result, whichever is earlier), you should:
- Continue to wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings.
- Not visit anyone who is immunocompromised or at higher risk of illness (i.e., seniors)
- Avoid non-essential visits to any highest risk settings.
- Employees working in highest-risk settings should report their exposure and follow their workplace guidance on return to work.
I was exposed to someone who has symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19
- You are not required to self-isolate if you do not have symptoms.
- If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, you should assume that you are positive for COVID-19 and follow these self-isolation instructions.
- For a total of 10 days after the last contact with the person who has symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 (on a PCR or RAT), you should:
- Self-monitor for symptoms and self-isolate immediately if you develop any symptom of COVID-19. Follow the instructions above if you have tested positive on a PCR or rapid antigen test or have symptoms of COVID-19.
- Continue to wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings
- Not visit anyone who is immunocompromised or at higher risk of illness (i.e., seniors).
- Avoid non-essential visits to any highest risk settings.
- Employees working in highest risk settings should report their exposure and follow their workplace guidance.
What’s considered a ‘close contact’?
- Close contact is someone who was in close contact with a person who had symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 during the time they could transmit the virus to others (48 hours before their first symptom started, or 48 hours before their test date (if they have no symptoms) until their self-isolation period has ended).
- Close contact is being within two meters (six feet) of a person who had symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 for more than a brief encounter or having multiple close encounters, without adequate protection.