Parc Omega

We are going to the park today, park today, park today, so won’t you come along! That’s right: we are going to Parc Omega! Join the Early Years in this fun outing to experience and see all the wildlife. To participate you must be a registered client with Wabano Early years program. To register for...

Wabano-win: The Art of Seeing Clearly Oct. 25, 2024

Wabano-win: The Art of Seeing Clearly is a learning journey that teaches participants to better understand two core things: How to contribute to improving Indigenous health, and How to create safe spaces for Indigenous people in their practice. Wabano’s training was created to help service providers to see clearly on their professional journey, and to support them...

Youth Pumpkin Carving & Smores

Join us at the main building in the earth room to carve pumpkins! Either take your pumpkin home with you, or leave it with the youth team to show off to the community at the Community Halloween Party on Oct 30. The winner, whose pumpkin exudes the most creativity will win a prize! We will...


Wellbriety – Kiyam

This in-person men's group will focus on a holistic approach to learn and benefit from traditional, as well as conventional means of healing. It will provide the medicine and tools that will help empower ourselves over drugs, alcohol and or violence, to help us overcome the trauma that has caused our spirits to be wounded....

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